mindAshley Signore

Yoga & Meditation

mindAshley Signore
Yoga & Meditation

Why I started yoga and its unreal benefits

“Yoga is an invaluable gift of ancient Indian tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature and a holistic approach to health and well-being. Yoga is not about exercise, but to discover the sense of oneness with ourselves, the world and nature, by changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness.” - Government of India, International Day of Yoga: Common Yoga Protocol

I survived anorexia and an abusive relationship when I was 17-18 years old. This point of my life carries into the present day in the form of iron-deficiency anemia, PTSD, and anxiety. Extreme fatigue, weakness, mental fog, lack of concentration, unwanted thoughts, insomnia, and restlessness is a part of my day to day life if I don’t take the steps to nurture my mind, body, and soul. Yoga is the first thing I do, every day, to help alleviate these symptoms. When I took medication for my anxiety in my earlier years of college, it only added more symptoms to deal with, which never made sense to me, as I was trying to decrease symptoms I was experiencing. However - when I met my new therapist, last year, up here in Syracuse, she introduced me to wholistic and natural approaches to deal with my PTSD and anxiety - one of them being yoga and meditation. The first few weeks alone, my body was already stronger, I was sleeping more, I was better able to cope with stress, past traumas and unwanted thoughts were triggered severely less, and I now suffer little-to virtually no panic attacks because of my newfound relationship with breathing, and meditation.

I’m a big believer in yoga’s benefits and the facts that science provides in support of them are pretty mind blowing. For starters, Healthline.com has an article, titled, “13 Benefits of Yoga That Are Supported by Science” which states, “After a three-month yoga program, the women [in the study mentioned in the article] had significantly lower levels of cortisol. They also had lower levels of stress, anxiety, fatigue and depression.” The article also shares that, “women who practiced yoga once weekly had fewer symptoms of PTSD. In fact, 52% of participants no longer met the criteria for PTSD at all,” alongside some more claims such as that yoga, “may reduce inflammation; could improve heart health, may fight depression, could promote sleep quality, could help improve breathing, and can increase strength, etc…” HOW CRAZY? When I first began, I researched on the practices mental health, cognitive, and physical advantages like a nut job, and finding claims just like the ones I listed above– that’s when I was sold, and began immediately.


  • Flexibility

  • Body strength and stamina

  • Feeling of wellness

  • Energy levels

  • Positive attitude

  • Memory power

  • Concentration

  • Mindfulness and consciousness


  • Anxiety and stress

  • Depression and tension

  • Food cravings

  • Blood pressure

  • Sugar and cholesterol levels

  • Tension in muscles

  • Pain in joints
