Organize + Personalize

Organize + Personalize

Sometimes when everything feels like a mess… that’s because it is. When my room is a mess, I feel like a mess. When I’m not on top of my responsibilities, I feel stressed. Simple enough. As a student, it’s normal to leave organization as a last priority; and I feel that, trust me. Nobody sees your room, so why give yourself another job? But, this form of thinking is un-healthy because you’re basically telling yourself that what you see doesn't matter, and that your space–what’s meant to be your healing temple–isn’t a priority. When in reality, it is, because you should be your biggest priority.

Through experience, I’ve learned, when you aren’t prioritizing your mental space, your physical spaces reflect what’s going on. This could be your room, your car [if you drive a lot], and your school work especially. So, how can we add simple steps to keep ourselves organized, internally and externally?

Prioritize yourself in ways that are manageable.

For me, this was swapping a TV out for a dry-erase calendar/to-do list and desk, and swapping my laptop for a binder, and a daily planner, for my academic endeavors. Now, this might seem extreme for some; I did this because, after I completed my worst semester, I was forced to take a hard look at what I needed to change, to at least help turn things around for the next semester. And, in reflecting on what was around me, and what was helping me succeed, I realized that structure and organization was lacking in my life. It was difficult for me to prioritize myself because I didn't give myself the opportunities to. I was being a shitty manager, to myself. BUT, when I had a giant list of things to do waiting for me when I woke up, and hanging around me on campus, things started to pick up, and without knowing it, I began managing what easily used to break me down. And, the only way things stayed consistent was because I personalized what I organized. I surely wasn't going to turn into a neat-freak over night, so I just did what I could. I celebrated small victories, and crossing each task off, made the next task all the less scary. A calendar showing you everything you need to do in the next 30 days can be intimidating, but when it’s colorfully decorated, when you add sentimental value, and intentions for the month, it’s more of a vision board. You begin to manifest what you see, rather than worry about what you don’t know, or what you’re avoiding. I realized that positive self-talk was a big way for me to stay on task, and stay consistent with my organization. If you look at the picture of my board , you can see a list of intentions just left of the lines reading, “YOU WILL GET A 92, AT LEAST… chill bbg [baby girl]… last fucking one, now just cross the finish line….” Just by cheering myself on, even if it meant writing on the board, when I had a test coming up, that made me smile [and obviously remember to study]. Every month I look forward to redecorating my board, and coming up with new intentions for myself. Personalizing my own organization routine became a self-serving task. Whereas watching TV, and just having one in there in itself- yeah… that was not serving my focus for the semester; which was to get my grades and mental health back on track. And also, I achieved my first fengshui mile stone! For those of you who are not familiar with fengshui, it’s an ancient Chinese art and science that has been use for over 3,000 years, intended to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. Basically, how to organize your shit, to improve the shit in your life. And guess what one of the top tips is for the bedroom? Not to have a TV in it. HA! Here’s some reasons why you should consider removing your TV in your bedroom. Now, please, let me continue bragging about how I got my life together.

My binder and planner might look rather elementary, but didn’t these guys keep the little tasks you had, at the age this shit was mandatory, in check? Yeah. So shut up. KIDDING, but if you refer to my post about reflecting on your inner-child, it is smart to revisit what worked for you in the past to help build your future. And, having a place to write out all your responsibilities is a great tool if you want to feel like the master of your own life. You’re basically giving life to what needs to get done; untangling the jumbled responsibilities stressing that gorgeous little head out and putting them somewhere else, neatly. The difference of writing something out in an organized, intentional place vs. taking a note on your iPhone, too, is crazy. Think about it, a planner is its own entity your phone is something separate, that already serves different purposes in your life. It’s not where your academia is based- it’s where your social handles, and life, exist. HM, could this be the reason, nO PhOneS aRe AlLowed iN cLasS? Probably. Also, when I write down what I need to do, the action in itself makes me feels like the task is already being started. I have my giant dry-erase board in my pocket, reminding me, everywhere, that I am a priority.

As for my binder, I know exactly where I need to be and when because of it. Even though some classes aren’t mandatory, because the schedule is looking at me in the face, I’m reminded that this is my life right now- my priority is my education, this is where I need to be in this moment [no matter how rarely, nice out it is]. When you’re out and about you probably are on your phone, especially when you’re walking to class, but when you have your schedule on you, and when you see it every time you open your backpack, unknowingly or not, the priority is now going to the next class rather than answering your last text. Also, I used to lose important papers everywhere; find them wrinkled or not at all- when you have a binder, everything from the semester is in one organized place, ready for you to refer back to whenever its needed.

Long story short, if you want to get your life together, as effortlessly as possible: personalize manageable ways to keep yourself organized. Don’t ask your friends, everyone is different, and that in itself means that you are putting your trust in anyone but you. The key is to know yourself, and what motivates you, and just like that- organization is already underway!