bodyAshley Signore

Let's talk oral health!

bodyAshley Signore
Let's talk oral health!

Taking care of our teeth is such an ingrained part of our daily routine that we rarely give it a second thought. But if you’re still reaching for the same products that you used as a kid, it might be time to give them a second look. Did you know that there are 700 species of bacteria living in your mouth right now!? Taking good care of your mouth, teeth and gums are vital to living a healthy life. Your mouth is connected to your WHOLE body. What happens in the mouth, happens in the body. Good oral and dental hygiene can help prevent bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease!

Today, dental caries is the most common and excessive oral infectious disease worldwide. Dental caries is caused by the acids on the enamel surface. Enamel: The outer covering of the tooth, and the strongest, hardest and most highly mineralized substance in your body. The acid is produced when sugars in foods or drinks react with bacteria present in the dental biofilm, or plaque on the tooth surface. Plaque contains bacteria that cause dental caries. There are many ways to prevent dental caries and plaque, one way is by using antibacterial mouthwashes and toothpaste.

Things to stay away from:

  • Sugary foods: It’s no secret that too much sugar is damaging to your health and can cause cavities. Organisms feed on the sugar on your teeth and turn it into acid, which destroys tooth enamel and causes decay.

  • Sticky foods: Extra chewy candies like taffy and caramels stick to teeth for a long time which can dissolve tooth enamel. Candies that are chewy, sugary and acidic, like sour candies, are the most damaging.

  • Acidic Foods: grapefruit and lemon, in particular, are highly acidic and can erode tooth enamel over time.

  • Artificial Sweeteners: Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners are often added to commercial toothpaste. Aspartame is primarily made up of aspartic acid and phenylalanine. The phenylalanine has been synthetically modified to carry a methyl group, which provides the majority of the sweetness.

  • Triclosan: This is in many dental care products, however, many people have suffered from Abnormal endocrine system/thyroid hormone signaling. The weakening of the immune system. Children exposed to antibacterial products at an early age have an increased chance of developing allergies, asthma, and eczema. Always read your labels! Triclosan is commonly found in Colgate products!

    Keep in mind: Munching all day long means your mouth is exposed to more sugars and acids than it would be if these foods were eaten as part of a meal

Things that are good:

  • Apples: An apple a day could keep the cavities away! Chewing apples and other crunchy, high-fiber fruits can scrub away the plaque from teeth. As a bonus, this fruit is full of vitamins and minerals and makes an easy snack.

  • Stannous fluoride: This ingredient is in many kinds of toothpaste. It aids in preventing tooth decay and strengthens weakened tooth enamel. Stannous fluoride also protects against tartar buildup, gingivitis, erosion, and sensitivity. Only stannous fluoride is antimicrobial. That means It kills plaque bacteria that builds up in the mouth and causes cavities. Those antimicrobial properties also prevent plaque from adhering to oral surfaces. While all these benefits are great to keep in mind that Stannous Fluoride stains your teeth. You can find this in many Crest products!

  • Mouthwash WITH alcohol: Listerine Antiseptic mouthwash contains essential oils and alcohol, this combinations KILLS bacteria in your mouth and is therapeutic. If a mouthwash does not contain alcohol in it, then it will only freshen your breath for aesthetic purposes but not will value to your oral health.

  • Xylitol: Instead of artificial sweeteners use, Xylitol is a common ingredient in many products, from sugar-free chewing gum to toothpaste, and helps improve your dental oral health!

Things that make it easier:

  • Dental Floss Picks

  • Waterpik: Don't confuse a floss pick with a water pick. A water pick, also called a tooth irrigator or oral irrigator aims a stream of water between your teeth. A water pick can help remove larger food particles from your teeth and stimulate your gums, and it can be a useful part of an oral care routine. But since it doesn’t actually clean the spaces between the teeth and along the gum line, it’s not a substitute for traditional tooth brushing or flossing!

  • Sonicare / Oral B electric toothbrush: Electric toothbrushes do all the work for you! Including self-timers and many more features! Different modes, rotation oscillation, timer and pressure sensors. They provide superior plaque removal to regular manual toothbrushes.

  • Tongue scrapper: Bacteria sit at the base of your tongue and, if they’re not removed, they can cause bad odor and an imbalance of oral flora.

Daily routine:

Brush 2 times a day with a soft toothbrush [morning and night for 2 mins]! Floss at least once a day and rinse your mouth for 30 seconds! Do not forget your tongue scraping aid as well!