bodyAshley Signorebody

Dry Brushing

bodyAshley Signorebody
Dry Brushing

Dry brushing has become a widely used trend in the beauty community for a plethora of reasons. Well-known companies, like Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop, and even smaller brands like Joanna Vargas, have even jumped on the bandwagon of this holistic technique. Dry brushing has been around for over a thousand years, tracing its roots back to the Ancient Greeks, for its skin purifying benefits. This tool and practice exfoliates the skin like no other, as it helps stimulate the lymphatic system by boosting blood circulation throughout the body, and sheds away dead skin cells. This practice is also said to help reduce cellulite (and through personal experience I can say that it DEFINITELY does). With multiple types of dry brushes offered at varying price points, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t try to incorporate it into your daily routine!

How to use it

Dry brushing is actually a super simple task and is really easy to add to your daily/nightly routine! First, make sure your skin is dry and free of any lotions or oils. Start at your feet and brush in upward strokes toward the heart. Make sure you are moving in light circular motions, and don’t be afraid to apply some pressure! A little bit of itching and tingling is normal! Move up your body to the stomach, moving the brush in a clockwise direction to assist with the natural movement of the digestive system. Then, move up to your chest and arms, making sure to keep brushing towards the heart. This path of starting with the legs then moving up allows for more lymphatic drainage and blood circulation. You should spend around three to five minutes dry brushing. After you finish, rinse off your brush and let it air dry, then hop in the shower to rinse off any dead skin, and apply lotion once you’re dry.


  • Baby soft skin: The dry brush bristles exfoliate the body, removing dead skin cells and excess debris, leaving your skin renewed, and smoother than ever.

  • Stimulate your lymphatic system: Most of the lymphatic system (an essential part of the immune system!) lies just beneath the skin. Dry brushing stimulates stagnant cells, causing lymphatic drainage, reducing inflammation in the body, and aids your body’s natural detoxifying process, which helps improve immune function, and overall well-being. 

  • Control breakouts: The brush strokes allow for your skin’s pores to be unclogged, and your natural oils to be evenly spread out, instead of stripped, which decreases breakouts and acne. 

  • Tone and tighten: The circular motion of dry brushing helps distribute fatty deposits within your body, leading to more toned muscles and, over time, cellulite reduction.

Where to find it