mindAshley Signore

Supporting someone with a mental illness

mindAshley Signore
Supporting someone with a mental illness

When you have a friend or family member with mental illness, it can be a bit a tough showing them that you love and support them, in ways that make them feel comfortable.

Here are some tips for helping a loved one going through mental illness:

Get informed! Educate yourself on their condition to better understand them.

Offer an ear: listen empathetically without judgments - let them share as much or little they want. Let them know you are there for them.

Encourage them to accept help if they need. Offer to go with them to the doctor, help reminding them to take potential meds, etc.

Do not make assumptions, play psychologist, or attempt to psychoanalyze or diagnose them.

Be patient with them.

Encourage open discussions about mental health.

Know your limits: don’t burn yourself out helping someone. Make sure to take time for yourself and your own mental health.

Ask if they’d want help in creating a crisis/emergency plan.

Don’t be scared to ask questions, but be accepting if they don’t want to answer or talk about it then and there.

Offer to advocate for them.

Accept that recovery isn’t linear: prepare for both setbacks and improvements.

Check in on them and let them know you’re thinking of them.

Here are more resources on supporting your loved one with mental illness:

